Many children in Appalachia don’t have summers filled with carefree bike riding or playing with their friends. It’s usually a time of boredom, isolation, and loneliness.
In McDowell County, West Virginia our partner, Big Creek People in Action (BCPIA), run free literacy and math camps throughout the summer.
Fun activities for children are important, but children lose some of what they learned in school during the summer break.
For example, Sarah attended a BCPIA summer literacy camp last year. According to Rosy Moore, a summer camp assistant, when Sarah arrived the Monday first day of camp, she hardly knew any of the alphabets. By the end of the week, Sarah knew all the letters, make the sounds, and sing the songs with the letters.
We are proud to be a part of Sarah’s education, and hundreds of others like her by being able to support summer camp programs like BCPIA’s literacy camp.
You helped make it possible for Sarah to learn her ABCs and even before her first day of school develops what will become a life-long love of learning.