In the realm of education, funding can often be the difference between opportunity and limitation, particularly in underserved communities. This is especially true in Title 1 schools, where financial support is critical to enhancing the educational experience. The...
For teachers, particularly those working in hard-pressed Appalachian communities where their school districts struggle to fund even their core educational priorities, it is frustrating for them to be aware of classroom needs that would greatly benefit their students...
Americans Helping Americans® Americans Helping Teachers program was developed with the goal of providing teachers and other educators to help their students and overall school communities with grant funding to meet unaddressed, and unfunded classroom needs....
Last May, Americans Helping Americans® announced the launching of a new grant program to provide funding to teachers in struggling school systems in Appalachia which lack the resources to meet classroom needs and other expenses that teachers would like to have to...
Christy Brown and Heather Estep Americans Helping Americans® Americans Helping Teachers grant recipients Christy Brown and Heather Estep teach at the Washburn School, a Pre K-12, Title 1 school located in the foothills of Clinch Mountain in the rural community of...
At Americans Helping Americans® we understand that many school systems in Appalachia have tight budgets and, in many cases, cannot afford to provide additional funding for classroom needs and other expenses that teachers would like to have to enhance the learning...