“Sam” lives alone in his home in Bean Station, Tennessee on a fixed income and the deck and steps to his front and side door were unstable and unsafe and he doesn’t have the resources to hire someone to do the repairs.
In addition, Sam has health issues and while he may at one time been able to make the necessary repairs to his home himself, that time has passed.
For Sam, trying to get in and out of his house alone was an accident just waiting to happen.
But thanks to you, supporters of Americans Helping Americans®, and our partner in Jefferson City, Tennessee, Appalachian Outreach, it’s a potential accident that has now been prevented.
Appalachian Outreach executive director Jean-Ann Washam told us that last fall, through their home repair program funded in part with a grant from Americans Helping Americans®, the necessary repairs to the steps and front porch have been done, so that come spring he will be able to enjoy the beautiful Tennessee evenings just rockin’ away on that porch.
“The goal of our program is to make homes safer for the homeowners so they can continue to live in their homes,” Jean-Ann told us. “We would not have been able to do this repair this year without the support from Americans Helping Americans®.”
And we would not have been able to provide that support without you.