Americans Helping Teachers Grants

Americans Helping Americans® announces Americans Helping Teachers Grant Program

May 5, 2022

Americans Helping Teachers Grants

Americans Helping Americans® announces Americans Helping Teachers Grant Program

May 5, 2022

At Americans Helping Americans® we understand that many school systems in Appalachia have tight budgets and, in many cases, cannot afford to provide additional funding for classroom needs and other expenses that teachers would like to have to enhance the learning experience for their students.   The alternative for many teachers is to spend money out of their own pockets.

That’s why, with the help of our supporters, Americans Helping Americans®, this year is launching our “Americans Helping Teachers” grant program to provide teachers and other educators, including school librarians, counselors, administrators, and staff members, with cash grants to help them meet an unmet classroom or school need.

Our goal is to provide educators working in Appalachian Title I schools that have high percentages of students participating in the free and reduced-price lunch program with grants of up to $4,000 to promote new innovative lesson plans or curriculum development, field trips, and more.

Americans Helping Americans® is currently accepting applications now through July 31. For more information, or to apply, visit Teachers Grants – Americans Helping Americans

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