Summer Fun begins for the children that so need it in Appalachia

Summer Fun begins for the children that so need it in Appalachia

Young students across the U.S. are looking forward to the end of another academic year and eagerly awaiting summer vacation, during which many will go on trips with their families to the beach, camp in the mountains, and attend summer camps. But for many in distressed...
Want2Work students are winning awards and landing jobs!

Want2Work students are winning awards and landing jobs!

Through the Americans Helping Americans® Want2Work initiative, our partners – the Lee County and the Estill County Area Technology Centers (ATC), both located in Kentucky, and the Lee County Career and Technical Center (CTC) in Virginia – are helping to ensure that...
Our Gardening Programs Sprouts more than Food

Our Gardening Programs Sprouts more than Food

Throughout Appalachia, children and families go hungry every day due to food insecurity issues, primarily because their limited financial resources mean that they are faced every month with the difficult decision of whether to pay their rent, utilities, or other...
Education Program Intended to Help Close the Gap

Education Program Intended to Help Close the Gap

The Data:  In the Appalachian region of Tennessee, the percentage of the population ages 25 and older without a high school diploma is 12.4 percent, according to The Appalachian Region: A Data Overview from the 2017-2021 American Community Survey Chartbook,...