While generally speaking, children look forward to the last day of school, at Friendship Central School in Friendship, New York, nearly 300 students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade (and their parents) received a special surprise thanks to the supporters of...
Throughout Appalachia, families living month-to-month or week-to-week struggle to get by working minimum wage jobs or relying on meager fixed incomes and government assistance to keep their children and themselves from going hungry. “For the past three years,...
At Americans Helping Americans® through our basic needs program, we strive to provide food to struggling families and the elderly and disabled on meager fixed incomes living in distressed Appalachian communities. Our food support program includes distributing...
To help alleviate food insecurity in distressed Appalachian communities in Georgia, Kentucky, West Virginia and elsewhere, with the help of our supporters from across the country, Americans Helping Americans® is planning on shipping 2,520 food boxes to our partners...
The wheels on the Lunch Box buses are rolling again through rural East Tennessee thanks in part to the supporters of Americans Helping Americans®. Our partner, Of One Accord (OOA), headquartered in the small town of Rogersville, will begin their Lunch Box Bus...
In distressed communities in Appalachia and elsewhere in the U.S., children, families, and senior citizens are going hungry every day – stretching their food budgets until they break as rent and utility bills must take priority over putting food on the table. That’s...