Our partner in Jefferson City, Tennessee, Appalachian Outreach, uses grant funding made possible by our supporters to help women living in its Samaritan House Shelter. Through its job readiness program, Kelly, Sissy and Lynda were able to receive the help they needed to have their vehicles repaired so that they could travel to work. When the time came for them to move into permanent housing, they were able to put down the deposits necessary to make the transition from the shelter to their new homes.
Kelly moved into the Samaritan House with her two young daughters but was in desperate need of a reliable vehicle to get her back and forth to her job. With the help of her mother and sister, she found a used car.
However, it wasn’t long before her car was not stopping properly. Kelly immediately had it checked and was informed that the brakes needed repairing at a cost of $145, an expense she was unable to afford.
With funding available from Samaritan House’s Job Readiness account, her brakes were repaired, and the car was safe to resume driving again.
With a full-time job, she was able to secure permanent housing and is earning enough that all her monthly bills are manageable.
Sissy arrived at Samaritan House after being forced to leave an apartment. Shortly after moving in, she learned that a local factory was hiring and with the pay being better than her previous job, she applied and was hired.
However, she soon discovered that her car needed some basic – but necessary – maintenance. Sissy was able to schedule a long-overdue oil change and other services for her car using funds from Samaritan House’s Job Readiness account.
With increased wages at her new job, she could afford the rent for a new apartment but had not yet saved enough for all the deposits. Our grant also provided her with the down deposit so that she could move into her new apartment.
Sissy could not believe how quickly her situation had changed, and she is so thankful for the financial help.
Lynda arrived at the Samaritan House following a complicated divorce and no place to turn.
She loved her job working at a nursing home and her role there of helping people who are helpless, considering it as therapeutic.
However, she faced a major unexpected expense when she had a tire blow out. Upon inspection, it was determined that all the tires were dangerous to drive on and needed to be replaced.
Using a local business which regularly helps Samaritan House residents with their vehicle-related issues, they were able to find a good deal for all four tires and pay for them using funding from the Job Readiness account.
Lynda did not even have to miss any work, getting her tires put on in one day after dropping off her car on her way to work.
Following the final court hearing on her divorce, she was able to return to her home per the arrangement. However, because the utility deposit was in her husband’s name, she needed to put down a new deposit in her name – which she was able to do with help again from our grant.
Starting over is never easy, but thanks to our supporters, it has been made easier for many women in need.