Providing Warmth for a Family Down on Their Luck

April 30, 2015

Providing Warmth for a Family Down on Their Luck

April 30, 2015

The Robert family in Laurel County, Kentucky has long been a familiar and popular one in the community, says Linda Gilreath, Executive Director of Come-Unity Cooperative Care.

For several years, Mr. Robert operated a successful mom-and-pop grocery store in their small part of the county. He didn’t make a fortune, but he was able to provide for his family and to keep overhead expenses low. His wife and children also worked in the store. It would be an understatement to say that the store had been a huge part of their lives.

But that was before the rise of franchise stores nearby, which took business away from this local grocery store and eventually forced Mr. Robert to close the store. After years of being self-sufficient, Mr. Robert now had to look for a job to support his family. His wife is now working at a local call center, but her income doesn’t come close to meeting their financial obligations and they have been forced to live on what savings they had.

This past winter was harsh throughout the country, particularly in the part of Kentucky where the Robert family lived, and when they couldn’t pay their electric bill – double what they expected – they received a disconnect notice.

When Mr. Robert went to the electric company to see what arrangements could be made for payment, it was suggested that he come see Linda at Come-Unity Cooperative Care.

“Fortunately, the funds from Americans Helping Americans® for utility assistance were available,” Linda told us.

And as for Mr. Robert, he was very grateful for the help and remains hopeful that their situation will improve soon.

We are more than glad to assist the Robert family and grateful to you that we were able to be there in their time of need.


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