Summer means vacation, outdoor time, swimming, extra time at home or maybe camp, notes Americans Helping Americans® partner in Cleveland, Georgia, Ann Fleming of Caring Hands Ministries. “But for some families in our area summer means a very hard time,” Ann told us....
Download our 2008 Annual Report to learn more about Americans Helping Americans® programs and the Appalachian and Urban families they benefit. • Read about what other Americans Helping Americans® supporters are doing to aid Appalachian families • Feel the delight that...
Appalachian winters are notorious for their relentless and freezing temperatures, whipping winds and snowstorms. Many children are forced to endure this time of year with nothing more than a thin and tattered jacket, subjected to the brutal elements. Americans Helping...
Centenary Christian Life in Danville, Ky., was full on Thursday, January 29, 2009., with locals whose houses were out of power and heat in Boyle County because of the ice storm that hit the area. (Associated Press Photo/Advocate Messenger, Clay Jackson) The death toll...